1. Automatic Text in an E-mail
When creating an e-mail address hyperlink using the Insert Hyperlink dialog box, Excel allows you to enter a subject for the message to be created by the link. If you want to also specify some body text, you need to use the techniques described in this tip.
2. Extracting URLs from Hyperlinks
When you add a hyperlink to a worksheet, it consists of a minimum of two parts: display text and URL address. If you have a whole series of hyperlinks from which you want to extract the underlying address, this can be a tedious challenge. There are easy ways to get the required info, however.
3. Get Rid of Web Stuff
When you copy information from a Web page and paste it into a worksheet, you can end up with more than you bargained for. Here's how to get rid of the extraneous objects that may end up in the worksheet.
4. Hyperlinks that Open in a Different Browser Window
When you click a link in a browser, the target of that link might open in the same window or in a new window. Getting an Excel-generated webpage to do the first type of opening is easy; getting it to do the second type is much harder.
5. Linking to a Specific Page in a PDF File
The HYPERLINK function is great for linking to Web pages and some other resources, but it won't allow you to access a target page in a PDF file. Instead, you may need to use a macro that accesses the desired destination.
6. References to Hyperlinks aren't Hyperlinks
Make a reference to a hyperlink in a formula, and you may be surprised that the reference doesn't return an active hyperlink. Here's why that happens and what you can do about it.
7. Retrieving Web Query Data without Interruption
If you use Excel's Web Query tools to grab data from a website, you may run into some problems if the site isn't available right away. This tip describes the problems and examines a way you can bypass the problem by interfacing with Internet Explorer from within an Excel macro.
8. Setting Web Fonts
Is your worksheet information destined for a Web page? Here's how you can specify the fonts that should be used when Excel generates the HTML code for those Web pages.
Is your worksheet information destined for a Web page? Here's how you can specify the fonts that should be used when Excel generates the HTML code for those Web pages.
9. Specifying a Browser in a Hyperlink
Excel allows you to easily add hyperlinks to a worksheet. Click on it, and the target of the link is opened in a browser window. If you want to specify which browser is used to display the link, things get more complex.
10. Specifying Your Target Monitor
When you create a worksheet that is destined for viewing on the Web, you will want to specify the monitor resolution you expect users to have when viewing your data. This information is used by Excel as it generates HTML files from the worksheets.
11. Suppressing the Reviewing Toolbar on E-mailed Workbooks
If you get tired of the Reviewing toolbar popping up whenever you open a workbook you received via e-mail. You'll love the information in this tip. Add the provided macro, and you can turn the toolbar off just as soon as it appears.
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